Jr. Bee: Community Service - Helping Others is Rewarding
- Community Service Builds Your Resume
- Volunteering Develops Integrity and a Strong Work Ethic
- Working with Americans Builds English Conversation Skills
- And Helps You Make American Friends
In addition, the Homestay, this program for participants ages 16-20 years, includes:
- 10-15 Hours per week of community service
- Skype Interview and English requirement
- Assistance with transportation arrangements for participant
Locations: Houston Kansas City Richmond Seattle Houston
Compass USA provides the opportunity for international students to participate in a 4-12 week volunteer program that will enhance their resumes and careers. Serious participants, with strong English conversation skills learn about the American business culture in a professional nonprofit setting. Youth, ages 18-20 years, participate in a general volunteer program to help them learn about American business practices. Participants that have completed their sophomore year or more in college select a specific career interest.
All participants are introduced to American culture and English language by living with host families and volunteering in the American business culture. Positions and responsibilities vary; participants volunteer 20-35 hours per week.
The Bee program is a unique educational opportunity to help each student pursue professional career goals, gain a competitive edge in the international workplace and achieve long-term career benefits to build a successful and exciting international career.
Career Building Opportunities:
- Agriculture
- Arts and Culture
- Business
- Community Service
- Computer Technology
- Design
- Education
- Farming & Ranching
- Forestry
- Historical Interpretation
- Library
- Media & Communication
- Office Operation
- Marketing
- Parks & Recreation
- Translation
- Travel & Tourism
Locations: Houston Kansas City Richmond Seattle