Please note a general background check will be done on all members of the family 18 years of age and over. In addition, your coordinator is required to make a personal visit to your home. My Home Visit is Scheduled for (date): By checking the box to the right, the host family certifies the above information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and agrees to host a student for Compass USA from to Compass USA offers a weekly stipend to our host families as a small thank you to help cover incidentals while your student is with your family. Alternatively, you may choose to donate all or a portion of your stipend to the scholarship program. Please indicate your preference on the stipend request / evaluation form that your coordinator will give you at the end of the program. Please note the stipend check will be mailed 3 to 4 weeks after your student has departed.
Thank you for filling out the application. We have received it and will be in touch shortly.